I have quite a few things on my 30 by 30 list that are in progress. Some of them won't be complete until my 30th birthday, but they've at least been started.
7. Get my ESOL endorsement. There are five classes (300 hrs.) needed to get an ESOL endorsement or two classes and taking an exam. As of right now, my plan is to take the two classes and exam. I completed ESOL Methods in November. So, I'm almost halfway there.
11 and 12. Pay off CC debt and car. I think I have my monthly payments figured out to have both of these done right around May 2014.
23. Do a 30 day "mile a day" challenge. I started this on Jan. 2. I was unable to go on Jan. 8, because I felt so incredibly sick and had a 102 fever. I started over on Jan. 9. Today, was day five...so twenty-five more days to go! I have a
Flickr album where the pictures are being posted each day via instagram.
26. Take and pass the GK and Prof. Exams. I took the General Knowledge Test on Dec. 29 and passed! I signed up earlier this week to take the Professional Exam. I take the test on Feb. 18. So this is another one that is halfway finished.
29. Make a "fun" money savings plan/bank. Started this today. Anytime I get a bill with a "F" in the serial number it'll go in my 'stache jar. The jar was inspired by
this one. I've been looking for the past two weeks for money with a "F" in the serial number and I finally got one today!
30. Update my blog more frequently (30+ times). I've posted more this week than in the last six months! ;)