Yikes! Hard to believe it's been four months since my last post. I haven't forgotten about you, dear blog. I've just been distracted.
I now have three jobs (yes, three!) that keep me fairly busy. My real aka main job is a third grade Paraprofessional at the elementary school I went to. My main priority there is teaching intensive, corrective reading to below level students. The program is completely scripted and drives me crazy. I can't wait until next year when I have a class of my own where I can be creative. Job #2 is a fun one- I'm now a
Thirty-One Gifts Consultant! And job #3, I do strictly for extra money and to help out my brother. I work a couple afternoons a week at his
scuba diving shop. Scuba diving just isn't a passion of mine, especially the technical aspect of it.
So much has happened in the last four months, but one especially exciting thing is that I finished Hazel's 365!
Also, my nephew, Keegan turned one! I can't believe how fast that year went!
I'm hoping to start posting more frequently again, especially to share my Pinterest