So I started running. Well, if you can call it's more like walk, jog, walk, walk some more, get the drift. Anyway, I'm doing the Couch to 5k plan, so each week it gets progressively harder. I'm supposed to be able to run a 5k in two months. I just started week four and I have my doubts. I can't even run for five minutes straight, yet.
But I'm not going to give up, because I'm rewarding myself as I go along. It's like I'm bribing myself...but hey it's working! I'm down three pounds so far!
My week two reward was a pedicure. :)

Week three's reward was a spiffy new bike. I rode it for the first time today and loved it! My plan is to ride 1-2 times a week and run another three days. to figure out what to reward myself with next....